Higor Araujo

Higor Araujo

Managing Obsolete and Expired Backups in Oracle RMAN

When managing backups in Oracle RMAN (Recovery Manager), it’s essential to understand the difference between obsolete and expired backups. This distinction is key for keeping your storage clean and ensuring your database is recoverable within your desired retention policy. Obsolete…

How to Query Jobs in DBA_SCHEDULER_JOBS in Oracle

Managing scheduled jobs in Oracle is crucial for automating tasks like gathering statistics. In this post, I’ll outline the steps I followed to query jobs in DBA_SCHEDULER_JOBS, check their execution schedule, and explore the content of a specific procedure associated…

Multiplexing and Managing Redo Logs in Oracle

Ensuring redundancy and proper management of redo logs in Oracle is essential for maintaining database availability and data recovery. This guide walks you through the steps to query, create, multiplex, and manage redo logs effectively. 1. Checking the Current Configuration…

How to Multiplex a Control File in Oracle

Multiplexing the control file in Oracle is a crucial practice to enhance the security and availability of your database. This step-by-step guide walks you through a hands-on approach to properly multiplex a control file in Oracle. Step 1: Verify Existing…